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Low-Carb Snack Ideas For People With Diabetes

Naturally reversing diabetes is easier said than done. Because it requires a total lifestyle change, it is important to select smart between-meal munchies to keep your blood glucose levels stable all throughout the day.

Making wise food choices is integral in warding off the complications of diabetes. You must have an understanding of food fundamentals (especially carbohydrates) and how they affect your blood sugar.

Before you decide what to snack on, read the two steps you need to take in order to choose a low-carb snack that you can enjoy.

Use The Glycemic Index

The American Diabetes Association recommends to check the glycemic index (GI) of the food you want to eat. The GI measures how much a certain food can raise your blood sugar level.

Pure glucose has a GI rank of 100. For diabetic patients, it is important to stick to “Low-GI” foods with a ranking of 55 and less. A few examples are oatmeal, legumes and non starchy vegetables.

Ratings between 56 to 69 are considered “Medium-GI”. They include whole wheat, pita bread and rye.

Count The Carbs

After choosing low-GI or medium GI foods, count the number of carbohydrates that you are about to eat.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, diabetes-friendly snacks should only contain fifteen to thirty grams of carbs. You can easily identify food carbohydrate content by checking the nutrition label on the packaging.

Choosing low-GI foods and counting carbohydrates are crucial steps for naturally reversing a condition of high blood glucose levels, and you will surely notice health improvements.

Food preparation is certainly another issue when it comes to managing diabetes. Below are just a few simple and on-the-go healthy snack ideas that can help manage your blood sugar levels.

Trail Mix

Avoid store-bought trail mix as they usually contain added sugar and salt. You can create a healthier version by mixing the five ingredients below. This recipe yields to 16 servings (1/4 cup per serving).

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup roasted peanuts
1 cup roasted or raw almonds
1/2 cup raisins
2 ounces dark chocolate chips

You can also add other options such as walnuts, sunflower seeds and hazelnuts. Just make sure you are not allergic to any of them.


Air-popped popcorn is a great snack option. Making it at home assures you that there are no additives, but buying the pre-popped kind is fine. Just make sure that the nutrition facts are clear regarding sugar and any unhealthy trans fats.They are usually disguised as hydrogenated oils in the ingredients list.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is widely used as a salad dressing. But many people choose it as a snacking option for good reasons.

It is a great source of calcium and protein, and contain less than twenty grams of carbohydrates per serving.

Preparing this is easy too. You can simply buy unsweetened Greek yogurt, add some chopped nuts and sliced fruits and you just prepared yourself a healthy and fiber-rich snack.

Middle Eastern Snacks

You can prepare a cup of vegetable mix of sliced raw carrots, broccoli and bell pepper. Toss a few green olives if you want to add some flavor to it. As for the dip, you can include a 1/3 cup of hummus.

The fat and protein in the hummus will keep you satiated while the fiber from the vegetables will prevent your blood sugar levels from spiking.

Healthy Chips

You can make healthy chips ahead of time and store them in ziplocks. Simply bake different kinds of vegetables that you have at home. This will prevent you from eating too much sodium, preservatives and trans fats found in the potato chips bought at a store.

Crispy kale chips are quite popular nowadays too. Simply toss some kale leaves on a baking sheet, drizzle with some olive oil, add a pinch of salt and pepper, and heat them inside the oven until crisp.

You can bake large batches to last you for a week. The best part about this is the process usually takes less than an hour.

There are also low-sodium chip alternatives sold in stores. Always aim for a product that contains 140 mg of sodium per serving or less.

Diabetes treatments are not simple at all and they require you to stay on top of your food choices. Avoid eating large amounts of carbohydrates to prevent your blood glucose from spiking, this is the rule number one.

Since most of the foods sold in stores contain carbs, you need to be careful with your choices so that the efforts you put in staying healthy are not wasted.

The Benefits of Omega-3 Pills

Omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits.

They are essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the body. Omega-3s come from plant origins such as hemp and flaxseed and animal origins such as fish oil in salmon, sardines and tuna.

However, different forms of Omega-3 fatty acids come from each source. Most of their health benefits are attributed to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which are obtained from animal origin.

Brain health: Omega-3 fatty acids build the brain cell membranes and are essential to brain health. Those who administer Omega-3 sufficiently have more functional brains and better memory. Omega-3 can protect from age-related brain disorders such as dementia.

Depression: Low levels of Omega-3 were found to be associated with depression and even self-harm. Omega-3 supplements were found to help with mood swings and mild to moderate levels of depression. Some studies found that Omega-3 can also be helpful in the cases of depression during pregnancy as well as postpartum depression.

In another study women suffering from menopausal depression were given Omega-3 for several weeks and their mood was improved. It is recommended to talk to your physician if you believe you need treatment with Omega-3 for depression. Check amazon fish oil if you want to purchase some.

ADHD: Omega-3 was found to alleviate the symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children ADHD. The result was improved attention and remembering with decreased aggression.

Weight Loss: Regular consumption of Omega-3s was found to reduce fat storage in the body due to reducing the insulin levels. Therefore, it helps with weight loss and reduces central obesity.

Better sleep: Low levels of Omega-3 are associated with sleep deprivation which in turn causes many conditions such as central obesity and stress. Omega 3 fatty acids improve the quality of sleep and thus improve the overall health condition.

Skin Health: Omega-3s can protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun and protect from skin cancer. They were also found to reduce skin inflammation and to improve conditions such as acne, pruritis, erythema and psoriasis. Regular consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids results in a vital and younger looking skin.

Pregnancy and Fetal development: Omega-3 fatty acids were found to protect from preterm labor and to impact the birth weight. Omega-3s are needed in pregnancy in higher amounts than that in non-pregnancy. They help with the visual and neural development of the fetus.

The brain development was found to be better in children born to mothers who have received Omega-3s during pregnancy and their attention during the first six months was ahead of others who haven’t received sufficient Omega-3s.

Taking Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy can protect the children later on from developing asthma. However, pregnant women should limit their fish intake since they are more susceptible to the effects of contaminants and toxins in fish.

Heart Health: Omega-3 fatty acids can positively impact the heart health. They reduce cholesterol and limit inflammation in the body which can damage blood vessels. They also prevent the formation of blood clots.

Therefore, it is recommended to have two servings of fish every week. Omega-3 fatty acids were found to protect from stroke and heart attack which are the leading causes of death today.

Autoimmune diseases: The long-term administration of Omega-3 fatty acids either alone or combined with other dietary supplements was found to help fight autoimmune diseases. In an autoimmune disease, the immune system abnormally attacks the body tissues mistaking them for foreign cells.

Omega-3 fatty acids were found to reduce the complications in case of Lupus and to improve cognitive decline in case of Alzheimer’s disease. The sufficient administration of these essential fatty acids in the first year of life can protect from autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

From reducing the menstrual pain to reducing overall inflammation in the body and potential protection from cancers, the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids seem endless. New studies continue to discover more benefits of this promising fat compound.

It is a huge industry where huge research is conducted and many individuals purchase the supplements. It is necessary to realize the vital importance of these fatty acids and to ensure we are getting enough amounts of them on a regular basis.

Help Your Diet Plan With Digestive Enzymes

The molecules responsible for breaking down what you eat into smaller particles are digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down the food you eat into small building blocks, small enough for them to be absorbed by the body.

Digestive enzymes are found in your saliva and digestive tract. Recently, it is produced in capsule form to help out individuals with digestive issues or extra weight. Here are the reasons why people can’t live without them.

Helps Digest Fiber

For many people who prefer a diet high in fiber, especially vegetarians, they know all too well how bad bloating can become. Sometimes, a high fiber diet can also cause stomach cramps. Fiber is good and healthy for you, but it’s also difficult to digest. Providing digestive enzymes to assist your stomach in digesting such food will eliminate the discomfort that this type of diet can bring.

Helps Reduce Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a condition wherein a person can’t digest lactose (the sugar found in milk) due to the lack of specific enzyme in his/her digestive system. Lactose intolerance can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful and people suffering from it tend to rely on digestive enzymes to help them ease its symptoms. Including digestive enzymes in their body doesn’t only reduce the symptoms, it also allows them to enjoy dairy products at a minimal amount.

Reduces Gassiness

People have varied digestive activities. Some people have a faster metabolism, while some have it slower. People with a slow metabolism tend to be gassier and are prone to flatulence. And when flatulence strikes, it becomes a problem. It doesn’t only affect your social life, it also affects the smell of your home. Digestive enzymes can treat gassiness especially taken right before meals.

Helps with High Protein Diet

Just like fiber, protein is also difficult to break down. Eating too much protein can sometimes upset your stomach because the natural enzymes in your gut can’t digest it properly. Taking digestive enzymes allows you to stay on a high protein diet without disturbing your bowel movement.

Relieves Constipation

If you have trouble being regular in the bathroom, digestive enzymes provide relief in different ways and one of it is treating constipation. It can speed up digestion thereby reducing the amount of time the fecal matter stays on your bowel.

Helps With Weight Loss 

If you are using digestive enzymes, you will have a better digestion, and as a consequence this might help with your weight loss goals. Oftentimes gaining extra fat is due to poor nutrition, but they will somehow compensate for that. So if you have diet plans, give it a shot.

Relieves Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance

It’s easy to say that celiac disease is the culprit to gluten intolerance, but it really isn’t. Unlike the autoimmune disease on your cilia, gluten intolerance is just due to the lack of existing enzymes in your gut.

Prevents Bloating

If you feel bloated, chances are, you don’t have the right kind of enzymes fighting off fluid retention. Supplementing with digestive enzymes prevents bloating and gassiness altogether.

Works Wonderfully Well with Probiotics

Probiotics are very important in providing a healthy gut. Sometimes, the lack of the right bacteria in your gut affect the enzymes you have. When digestive enzymes are paired with probiotics, they contributes to a healthier digestion and healthy gut flora. This leads to a drastic yet positive change on how your digestive system works.

Prevents Other Diseases

It is a fact that your digestive system makes up the majority of your immunity and that having bad digestion can literally affect so many organs in your body. In fact, heart diseases and other autoimmune conditions are known to be linked with the lack of proper digestive enzymes. Since people nowadays eat so many refined products, proper enzymes in the stomach aren’t thriving as it is supposed to. One way of preventing other diseases it to stop eating anything processed and add supplement enzymes in your gut.

The Importance of 8 Hours of Sleep At Night

“Sleepless in America”, a documentary co-produced by National Geographic Channel, told us that a huge population of America is sleep deprived. An average worker in his mid-20s only gets at least 5 hours of sleep per night. What’s surprising is adolescents are also among those who sleep less.

Though it isn’t evident right now, the consequence for the lack of sleep can be dire. Aside from that not getting enough sleep, it might also be dangerous for the people around him. Most people don’t give a lot of thought and importance to sleeping right, but there are lethal consequences to it. Do you remember the Exxon Valdez oil spill incident? Or the ferry crash in Staten Island? Countless people have lost their loved ones, including their very own lives because a captain of the ship dozed off, or a bus driver fell asleep on the road. A truck driver who fell asleep behind the wheel can also cause peril to the drivers around him.

According to doctors and scientists, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer can all be linked to sleep deprivation. It is important for you to know that your cognitive function is significantly reduced when you don’t sleep right. Anxiety is also an effect of sleep deprivation.

Syncing in with nature to promote proper sleep is very important. A natural exposure of sunlight in the day and the exposure of the darkness at night is one component that you should be very mindful of. It is explained that we humans have a master clock called circadian rhythm. Exposing ourselves to the sun activates our suprachiasmatic nuclei. These nuclei is responsible for regulating the light-dark cycle of our rhythm. One major cause of why people get so little sleep, or have poor sleeping habits is because of a disruption on your body clock – Some people shield themselves indoors during the day, and others stay under bright artificial lights at night. Restorative sleep becomes elusive when the body gets out of sync with the daylight and night time’s natural rhythm.

To broaden how sleeping less than 8 hours affects your body, here are major risks that can affect your mental and physical health:

  1. Slower Reaction Time – for those laborers who work in constructions, mining, or even driving, the reaction time of an individual who lacks sleep is tremendously decreased. This puts these workers in danger, especially in their line of work.
  1. Short Term Memory and Long Term Memory Suffers – College students today are also one of those who are sleep deprived. Some may be due to extra-curricular reasons. But whatever the reason may be, short term and long term memory is affected. There is a report on sleep deprived medical interns that they are more likely to self-inflict needles pricks, scalpel stabs, and miss out on a step of a medical procedure.
  1. Memory and Learning Decreases – brain growth also relies on your neuroplasticity. In order to have a properly functioning brain, you need to sleep more as loss of sleep modifies your genotype that is vital in synaptic plasticity.
  1. Heightened Emotions – Because your cognition and reaction time has slowed down, your emotions will take over. This means you are more likely to encounter an argument or a misunderstanding with a colleague, a friend, a family member, or your spouse. Your frontal cortex plays a part in the regulation of your emotions. And if you don’t give it the proper rest it deserves, it’s going to have a weaker connection to your amygdala – the part of the brain responsible for anger and fear.
  1. Health and Immune Function Deteriorates – This explains why an increased risk of health issues and chronic diseases are tied to lack of sleep. According to research, sleeping for less than 8 hours increases your risk of high blood pressure. The effects of sleep deprivation is just like getting sick or feeling stressed.

You need around 8 hours of sleep at night. If you think you are doing fine with less, then you are fooling yourself.